Bran & Mabel plays better together nowadays. They know how to make each other laugh although many times Mabel will "bully" the kor kor.
Febuary 2011 - It's CNY time. It's the usual family taking pic time and each years it gets more & more difficult as kids don't smile & look where you want them to look.

Feb is also special because Bran turns 7 this year !!!! These are his pictures from age 1 - 7.

March 2011 - we decided to reward ourselves during the March holidays by making a trip to PJ to visit Ah Ku's new house. A special treat for Bran @ Dino Live at the Science Center.

Cousin Joe came to stay for a few days. The boys had loads of fun together.....
Apr 2011 - it was work & work......the month ended when the Tan family took a holiday at Lotus Desaru. A fanstastic time for the kids.